Welcome Back PE will begin Monday Audust 13!!


Welcome back everyone!! I hope everyone had an active summer and you are energized for another great year at Osuna. I enjoyed my summer at the Albuquerque Academy and spending time with our two kiddos.  I am really excited to introduce some new activities and of course re-teach some of our favorites. 

Our first week of PE will consist of reviewing all of our PE rules and guidelines. We will warm our brains and bodies up with some fun warm-up games. We will also cover playground games and the proper way to use all equipment. Don’t forget to check the website to see what your child is doing in PE each week. 

Remember to take note of your child’s PE day so they have the proper clothing and tennis shoes.

Team Juggling

This week we are doing a cooperative game called team juggling. This comes on the heals of our underhand throwing unit for all grades. This is a great unit that helps students work together and realize the importance of a team. It differs from regular juggling because 10-12 students are placed in a circle and given one ball to start. They proceed to underhand toss it to the person across from them, then that student tosses it to a different person across from them, this continues until all players on the team have caught and thrown the ball. The pattern stays the same for the rest of the game. It continues to get harder because different equipment is added to the pattern so as many as 4 objects are going at once. When they have practiced for some time, then I time each team to see who has the least amount of drops in 1 minute. Last year we only had two teams in the whole school that didn’t drop a ball for the whole minute. I also include a 5 minute session where teams can give suggestions on what they can do better and come up with strategies to help them be successful. The standard I am looking to meet is New Mexico State Standard # 5 (Check out all our standards under the Great PE Links section).

Fitness Stations!

This week in PE we have 12 fitness stations that will keep everyone moving and breathing hard.

The key to keeping our epidemic child obesity rate down is regular physical activity. Unfortunately not all of our students get the recommended exercise that they need per week. (The CDC recommends 60 minutes of activity EVERYDAY!) With only 1 to 2 PE classes per week this does not give everyone adequate exercise for the week and therefore we will be focused on ways we can exercise outside of school.


1. Plank
2. Jumping Jacks
3. Big Hops
4. Jump Rope
5. Sit-ups
6. Balance Machine
7. Hoop Run-Thru
8. Toss out fitness
9. Gym Laps
10. Flexibility Central
11. Shuttle Run
12. Balance Beam

Each Student will have a partner and go through all stations twice. Each station will be one minute long with a 10 second rest between each station. During this week I will be looking to meet NM State Standard 3; Participates regularly in physical activity and Standard 4; Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.