Welcome Back PE will begin Monday Audust 13!!

Week 22 & 23: Fitness Testing

This next two weeks we are doing fitness testing during PE. All students 2nd grade thru 5th will participate in a national fitness test called the FitnessGram (for more information on the FitnessGram you can visit their website at http://www.fitnessgram.net/home/. I have chosen 6 different FitnessGram tests that the students will record. These tests seek to measure four different areas of physical fitness which include flexibility, cardiovascular strength, muscular endurance and muscular strength. The primary goals of these tests are to promote enjoyable regular physical activity as well as educate students on the importance of regular physical activity. This test does not seek to attain extremely high levels of physical fitness but rather the help a majority of students to be successful at a good level of physical fitness. All students are encouraged to do their best and to stop when any test is too much. I am excited to see our wonderful Osuna students succeed these next couple weeks. New Mexico State Standard four is being met during the FitnessGram.

1. Pacer Test (Aerobic Capacity)
2. Back Saver Sit and Reach (Flexibility)
3. Shoulder Stretch (Flexibility)
4. Push-ups (Muscular Strength and Endurance)
5. Curl-ups (Muscular Strength and Endurance)