Welcome Back PE will begin Monday Audust 13!!

Summer Time!!

Thank you everyone who helped with this years Water Works Playday!! It was a huge success and for the most part the weather held up. Parents I could not have done it without you. Have a great summer and to all the 5th graders good luck in the years to come. Parents and students don’t forget to exercise over summer break. Ride your bike, go for a hike, walk the dog, go swimming, roller blade, ride your scooter or skateboard, join a sports team, fly a kite, play tag with kids on the block, enter a city race with your kids, sign up for a sports camp, go to the park, the opportunities are unlimited, JUST BE ACTIVE! A scary stat I read the other day said, “only 4% of children between the ages of 6 and 11 were considered overweight in a 1971-1974 survey, while 18.8% of children at this age were overweight in a more recent 2003-2004 survey” You can help turn this around!! Have a great and safe summer!