Welcome Back PE will begin Monday Audust 13!!

Week 29 & 30: Summer Fitness

Play 60 is a program sponsored by the NFL that encourages students to get 60 minutes of exercise a day. Here at Osuna we strive to get each student as much activity as possible, however they still need to find time to exercise outside of school.

This next two weeks we are participating in fitness stations that are designed to be done at home over the summer. All of the stations are simple and can be done daily if desired. I have put in parenthesis ways that they can be done at home. These stations include:

Rock climbing ( Stone age, foothills, city rock walls)
Jogging (Jog the academy, around your neighborhood, or go for a hike)
Jump Rope (Jump rope each morning cheap, easy and fun)
Scooter riding (Ride your scooter or your bike around your neighborhood)
Hula Hoop (Get a hoop and get going)
Hopscotch ( Draw your own pattern with calk at your house)
Yoga (Find family classes, at home videos, or make your own up)
Core exercises (Make a daily routine)
Resistance training
And much more

I am encouraging all students to make time for exercise over the summer time. There are tons of ways we can all stay active and have fun this summer. At the end of the unit, all students are writing out their goals for exercising this summer. They are writing out 5 to 10 activities that they can do this summer and will be bringing it home next week. Enjoy the summer and I will see many of you for Playday 2011 on Tuesday, May 24th.